Monthly Newsletter
Welcome to the February edition of the St Edward’s Newsletter!
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Bloomin’ Lovely!
On Saturday, 18th January, the Mottingham Foodbank and Community Garden were delighted to welcome Good Gym and others to their first monthly volunteering gardening session. Thank you to all those who helped in making the outdoor spaces at St Edward’s beautiful and fruitful!
Taking place every third Saturday of the month. Come and join us for our next one on Saturday, 15th February. Anytime you can spare between 10:00 - 14:00. We would love to see you for a dig or a potter!
For more information regarding the Community Garden, including details of our weekly meets every Tuesday and Friday, please check out the 'Community Garden' page on our website, call 07484 218 429 or email [email protected].
Dates for Your Diary
Saturday, 1st February at 10:00 - 11:30: Monthly Litter Picking. Meet at the Co-Op.
Sunday, 2nd February at 12:15: Together Outside. Fun outdoor activities for families. On the church green (in the church if the weather is poor). For more information, please email [email protected] or call the parish phone on 07422 653952.
Saturday, 15th February at 10:00 - 14:00: Monthly Community Garden Vounteering session.
Saturday, 1st March at 10:00 - 11:30: Monthly Litter Picking. Meet at the Co-Op.
Weekly Services - All Are Welcome
Sunday at 10:30 - 11:45: Communion Service with Ed’s Kids. Please join us for a cuppa afterwards.
Tuesday at 08:30 - 08:50: Morning Prayer.
Wednesday at 19:00 - 19:30: Evening Prayer.
Thursday at 08:30 - 08:50: Morning Prayer.
Friday at 9:00 - 9:30: Morning Prayer.
Other Church Services This Month
Sunday, 2nd February and Sunday, 16th February at 18:00 - 18:45: Soul Space. Small, peaceful service.
Weekly Community & Social Activities (For contact details, please see the 'Other Weekly Clubs & Activities' page on the website. Some activities break for half-term w/c Sunday, 16th February. Please check with class leaders directly).
Monday - Beavers at 18:00 - 19:00
Monday - Cubs at 19:15 - 20:45
Tuesday - Mottingham Over 50's Digital Skills Project at 10:00 - 12:00
Tuesday - Community Garden at 13:30 - 16:30
Tuesday - Slimming World at 17:30 - 19:00
Tuesday - Zumba at 19:45 - 20:45
Wednesday (2nd week of month) - Young Mums Hub at 10:00 - 14:00
Wednesday - Zumba Gold at 11:00 - 12:00
Wednesday - Scouts at 19:00 - 21:00
Friday - Community Garden at 10:30 - 16:30
Friday - Seated Zumba Gold at 11:00 - 11:45
Friday - Community Lunch at 12:30 - 14:00
Friday - Let's Dance Classes for Adults at 18:30 - 19:30
Friday - My Dog is Nuts Training & Behaviour at 18:30 - 19:30
Saturday - My Dog is Nuts Training & Behaviour at 10:00 - 11:00
In Our Prayers
Please note, we will be removing the names in the prayers for the sick and will be starting again with an updated list next month. If you wish for your, or your loved one’s, name to remain on the list, please email [email protected].
Those who are unwell at this time; Peter Jordan-Dering, Rachaela Musto, Derek and Sam Gillman, Mary Maguire, Kim Ward, Gary Wakeman, Barbara Godfrey, Maggie Gregory, Mari Kirk, Ann Louise Neill, Betty Walsh, Philip Sewell, Dave Gorman, Shirley Stockwell, Anna Gray, Kyra Cornelius Decruz, Elaine Daley, Robert Clarke, Christopher Walker, Frances Raggett, Dennis Brown, Ismay John, Paul Jolly, Przemek Jackowiak, Teresa Callow, Elizabeth Reyes, Tracy Dunbar/Kelleghar, Germaine Frazer, Colin, Aaron, Donald Greenway, Jenny Millen, Guy Stallard and Julia Curtis.
We also pray for those whose anniversaries fall at this time; Barry Porter, David King, Doris Allen, Robert Meadows, Janet Woods, Doreen Baldock, Nina Williams, Irene Cleary, Gillian Smith, Elder Arovo, Roy Meynell, Thomas Metcalfe, Josephine Newbrook, Edith Smith, Revd Ann Gurney, Michael Driver, Thomas Roche, Sheila Jarrett, Joyce Brett-Smith, Ian Nedd, Scott Wellard and Diane Kapp.